About News Art Collabs Podcasts

Language Matters: The Semantics and Politics of 'Assisted Dying'

Our lab publication reflects on the ways in which the language used to describe ‘assisted dying’ is itself a political choice with concrete implications. In short, language matters when thinking about assisted dying.

The Assisted Dying Debate Is Really About How We Treat the Living

A recent push to legalize assisted dying in France obscures more fundamental problems that plague end-of-life care.

Anna Elsner on the French Citizens’ Council on End-of-Life Care, France 24

Interview with Anna Elsner as a French citizens’ council of 150 members of the public will meet Friday to begin discussions on end-of-life care, including whether assisted suicide should be legalised. As French laws have evolved over the last two decades, calls have increased to allow medically assisted deaths for terminally ill patients.