Limited Human Lifespan – Finitude and Visual Arts. Time is Money?

In this panel organized in collaboration with the Kunsthaus Zurich Zeit/Time exhibition, we aim to discuss our complicated relationship with time by presenting a range of disparate positions across the arts, humanities and sciences.
Contribution to Catalogue Time Exhibition. Festina Lente: On the meaningfulness of a multitude of…

Can art capture time? If art allows us to explore the past and capture the future, can it put the present back into a historical dynamic? How can art capture both human finitude and the larger planetary conditions of the unfolding environmental crisis?
Assisted Dying Vocabulary Art Workshop. The Scavenger Hunt: Can old windows hold new views? Can old…

The experience of illness makes the familiar turn unfamiliar. Uncertainty surrounds medical decision-making as patients struggle with complex healthcare systems and obscure language.
Projections et table ronde dans le cadre du festival de film ‘Quel Avenir Pour la Mort en France ?’

En collaboration avec Ciné-Calanques, la Fondation Camargo, et la Maison de Gardanne, Assisted Lab a organisé un petit festival de films sur la fin de vie. Trois projections ont été suivies de discussions avec les réalisateurs et, dans le cas d’Une maison au bord du monde de Pascal Cesaro, avec les intervenants en soins palliatifs présents dans le documentaire.
Talk im Studio zu «Gott», Theater St. Gallen

Was wissen wir vom Sterben? Wie hat sich unser Bild davon verändert? Können die Naturwissenschaften den Tod erklären? Was leistet die Kunst?
Artist in Residence
Artist in Residence

Artist in residence collaborations are coming soon to Assisted Lab! Watch this space for more information