‘GOTT. Ein Theaterstück’ by Ferdinand von Schirach
- Title ‘GOTT. Ein Theaterstück’ by Ferdinand von Schirach
- Author Ferdinand von Schirach
- Language German
- Tags Self-determination Existential Suffering Loss of Partner
- Legislative context Criminal Code, 1998 (Germany)
- Author of entry Marc Keller
78-year-old Richard Gärtner lost his purpose in life after his wife, Elisabeth, died of a brain tumour three years ago. Although he is in the best of health, he wants to die with medical assistance. Following the recent ruling of the German Federal Constitutional Court, he does indeed have the right to seek assisted suicide as a healthy person. However, as the practice is not yet regulated by law, he has unsuccessfully tried to apply for a lethal dose of sodium pentobarbital at the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, just as his family doctor rejected his request for assisted suicide. He thus turns to the German Ethics Council, which has to decide whether it is ethically justifiable for a doctor to help a healthy person die. In the council meeting, Mr Gärtner and his family doctor, Dr Brandt, provide insight into his personal situation, allowing the audience to learn about his existential suffering at the loss of his wife and his determination to die. In addition, three experts from the fields of law, medicine and theology are questioned on the subject of assisted dying, alternately by Dr Keller from the Ethics Council, who rejects physician-assisted suicide, and Mr Gärtner's lawyer and friend Biegler, who considers it a legitimate act of self-determination. The audience is thus presented with arguments for and against assisted dying from different perspectives, which should enable them to make an informed judgement about Mr Gärtner's case. The play envisages that, at the end, the audience will assume the role of the Ethics Council and vote on whether or not Mr Gärtner should receive the lethal drug. The results from the stagings are documented on a website.
Schirach’s play sparked an enormous media response, mainly due to its topicality. He wrote it at a time when physician-assisted suicide was prevented by Section 217 of the German Criminal Code (2015). Several constitutional complaints were pending against it, so Schirach, who is also a lawyer himself, deliberately chose a topic where there was a need for clarification. Unexpectedly, however, GOTT gained further relevance before its publication when the Federal Constitutional Court declared Section 217 ‘null and void‘ in February 2020. The Court ruled that ‘the general right of personality encompasses a right to a self-determined death, which includes the right to suicide‘ as well as ‘the freedom to seek and, if offered, make use of assistance provided by third parties for this purpose.‘ This right, the Court further stated, ‘is in particular not limited to serious or incurable illness.‘ Following this judgement, it is up to the Bundestag to pass new legal regulations. Schirach also adapted his play specifically to the ensuing debate, and it did not go unnoticed by the lawmakers: the Bundestag compiles and recommends topical literature on the subjects currently under discussion, and among the 55 works on assisted suicide, Schirach's GOTT is the only work of fiction. While it has been a great success in theatres and the audience mostly votes clearly in favour of Mr. Gärtner's right to assisted suicide, the play has also met with fierce criticism from theology and medicine. Various representatives accused Schirach of presenting the subject of assisted suicide in an overly one-sided and approving manner, and criticized above all the negative portrayal of the characters who spoke out against it. The criticism was particularly directed against the film version, GOTT von Ferdinand von Schirach, which was produced at the same time as the play and for which Schirach wrote the screenplay.
Suggested citation
GOTT: Ein Theaterstück, Assisted Lab: A Living Archive of Assisted Dying, 18 March 2024 <link>
- Claudio Weder, Wenn Ärzte Gott spielen: Das Theater St.Gallen zeigt ein Stück über die kontrovers diskutierte Sterbehilfe, St. Galler Tagblatt, 2023 → tagblatt.ch
- Michael Wurmitzer, Theaterkritik: Schirachs “Gott” lässt in den Kammerspielen über Sterbehilfe abstimmen, 2023 → derstandard.at
- Egbert Tholl, Doppelpremiere von ‘Gott‘: Wem gehört mein Leben?, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2020 → sueddeutsche.de
- Julia Encke, Schirach in Berlin: Lehrstück ohne Körper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2020 → faz.net
- Wolfgang Höbel, Schirachs neues Diskussionsdrama: Und hier kommt die finale Frage, 2020 → spiegel.de
Media citations
- Britta Buchholz, Diskussion um Sterbehilfe: von Schirach fordert schnelle Entscheidung, ZDF, 2023 → zdf.de
- Martina Keller, Assistierter Suizid in der Schweiz: Sterben auf Wunsch, Deutschlandfunk, 2022 → deutschlandfunk.de
- Jan C. Behmann, “Sterben ist höchstpersönlich”, der Freitag, 2021 → freitag.de
- Unknown author, Kontroverse um Sterbehilfe: Brisantes TV-Drama ‘GOTT‘, ORF 2, 2021 → tvthek.orf.at
- Wolfgang Janisch, Sterbehilfe: Wie eine Neuregelung der Sterbehilfe aussehen könnte, 2021 → sueddeutsche.de
Interest Group citations
- Theater “Gott”: Vorstellungen ausverkauft, palliative zh+sh, 2024 → pallnetz.ch
- Theaterstück GOTT mit anschliessendem Podiumsgespräch, palliative aargau, n.d. → palliative-aargau.ch
- Philipp Bäumer, Rechtslage Assistierter Suizid – Endlich raus aus der Grauzone!, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 2023 → deutschlandfunkkultur.de
- Suizidhilfe: Liberale Gesetzentwürfe fusionieren – Gegner appellieren und kritisieren, Zentralstelle Patientenverfügung (Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands), 2023 → patientenverfuegung.de
- Von Schirachs Bühnenstück “GOTT” kommt als Popup-Theater nach Sachsen, Bistum Dresen-Meißen, 2023 → bistum-dresden-meissen.de
- GOTT – Wem gehört das Leben? Das Theaterstück von Ferdinand von Schirach zur Frage des assistierten Suizids, Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (SLpB), n.d. → slpb.de
- Ferdinand von Schirach: ‘GOTT‘, Katholische Akademie Bistum Dresden-Meißen, 2022 → katholische-akademie-dresden.de
- Ferdinand von Schirach ‘Gott‘, EXIT INFO, no 1, 2021 → exit.ch
- Assistierter Suizid – worum es in der Debatte geht. Ein Kommentar von Uwe Heimowski, Arbeitskreis Politik (Evangelische Allianz in Deutschland), 20 December 2021 → politik.ead.de
- Im Gespräch: “In schwierigen Fragen des Lebens eine verantwortliche Entscheidung treffen”, Bistum Würzburg, 2021 → pow.bistum-wuerzburg.de
- Ach, ‘Gott‘, Herr von Schirach Über vertane Chancen eines Volkserziehungstücks, evangelisch.de, 2020 → evangelisch.de
- Den Bevölkerungswillen achten – HVD ruft Bundestagsabgeordnete auf, Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands, 2020 → patientenverfuegung.de
- Mitgliederrundbrief, Hospiz- und PalliativVerband NRW e. V., 2020 → hpv-nrw.de
- ARD zeigt Schirachs Theaterstück “Gott” über Suizid: Wem gehört unser Leben?, Domradio.de, 2020 → domradio.de
- ARD zeigt Fernseh-Version des umstrittenen Theaterstücks von Erfolgsauter – “Gott”: Debatte über Leben und Tod zur besten Sendezeit, katholisch.de, 2020 → katholisch.de
- von Schirachs GOTT, das Grundrecht auf einen würdigen Suizid und die Beschaffung der dafür erforderlichen Mittel, Rechtsanwälte Füßer & Kollegen, n. d. → fuesser.de
- Veranstaltung Schauspiel ‘Gott’, EXIT Deutsche Schweiz, n.d → exit.ch
Legal and Paralegal citations
- Literaturtipp: Suizidhilfe. Literaturauswahl 2020–2021, Deutscher Bundestag, 19 April 2021 → bundestag.de
- Deutscher Ethikrat, Phänomenologie der Sterbe- und Selbsttötungswünsche (Online-Veranstaltung), 17 December 2020 → ethikrat.org
- Kantonsrat Zürich, no 72, Selbstbestimmung am Lebensende auch in Alters- und Pflegeheimen (KR-Nr. 110/2019), 14 September 2020 → parlzhcdws.cmicloud.ch