‘Ma dernière liberté: Journal d'une mort décidée’ by Jean-Marie Lorand
- Title ‘Ma dernière liberté: Journal d’une mort décidée’ by Jean-Marie Lorand
- Author Jean-Marie Lorand
- Language French
- Tags Intimate Portraits of Death Death Outside the Law
- Legislative context Code Pénal, 1996, Art 397 (Belgium)
- Author of entry Jordan McCullough
‘Ma dernière liberté’ is the follow-up to former journalist and parliamentary aide, Jean-Marie Lorand’s earlier autobiography and plaidoyer in favour of assisted dying, ‘Aidez-moi à mourir’. In ‘Ma dernière liberté’, a published version of the diary he kept from the turn of the new year until his assisted death in July 2000, Lorand recounts his final months of life, in all their intimacy. The text offers vivid insights into the physical, mental and emotional pain he endured as a result of his neurodegenerative condition, particularly the constant threat of death by suffocation, and highlights the impact of politicians’ perceived reluctance to take a decision on the issue on Lorand’s psychological health. From the outset of the text, it is clear that Lorand has decided to end his life; the text is the story of how he brought that decision to fruition and his justification for doing so.
Published at the time that euthanasia was becoming a topic of public and parliamentary debate in Belgium, and offering insights from the perspective of a well-known figure in Belgian media, ‘Ma dernière liberté’, as a text synonymous with the life of its author, was significant in parliamentary and social debate surrounding the introduction of euthanasia legislation. The text presents, in full, Lorand’s evidence to the Belgian Senate’s hearings on euthanasia (presented via the president of the Belgian Society for the Right to Die with Dignity), his open letter to the Senatorial Commission on Assisted Dying, and his contributions to other community debates on the topic. It also makes regular reference to the legal, moral and ethical frameworks that, at the time of writing, restricted assisted dying in the country. The text makes clear that its aim is to awaken Belgian politicians – and wider society – from their apparent slumber regarding the impact of the non-legalisation of assisted dying on the citizens of their country. Following his death, Jean-Marie Lorand became a symbol of the assisted dying lobby in Belgium, assuming a similar status to Vincent Humbert (France), Piergiorgio Welby (Italy) and Ramón Sampedro (Spain).
Suggested citation
Ma dernière liberté: Journal d’une mort décidée, Assisted Lab: A Living Archive of Assisted Dying, August 2024 <link>
Media citations
- Eric Deffet, Frédéric Soumois and René Breny, Jean-Marie Lorand a choisi de mourir dignement, Le Soir, 2000 → lesoir.be
- Annick Hovine, Chronique d’une mort médiatisée, La Libre, 2000 → lalibre.be
- G. M., Le médecin s’explique, DH Les Sports+, 2000 → dhnet.be
- Gisèle Maréchal, Michelle Lamensch and Jean-Jacques Frank, Lorand: Une instruction ouverte, Le Soir, 2000 → lesoir.be
- Fabrizio Schiavetto, Le dossier euthanasie relancé par un drame, DH Les Sports+, 2000 → dhnet.be
- Frédéric Soumois, ‘J’ai euthanasié Jean-Marie’, Le Soir, 2007 → lesoir.be
- Laurent Zecchini, La mort ‘digne’ de Jean-Marie Lorand secoue la Belgique, Le Monde, 2000 → lemonde.fr
- Jean-Marie Lorand est décédé dimanche, DH Les Sports+, 2000 → dhnet.be
- Pleitbezorger euthanasie sterft waardig, De Morgen, 2000 → demorgen.be
Interest Group citations
- Hommages à Jean-Marie Lorand et à son médecin, Association pour le droit de mourir dans la dignité, 2000 → admd.be
- Mort désirée ou imposée ?, Yanous: Le magazine francophone du handicap, 2002 → yanous.com
Legal and Paralegal citations
- Rapport fait au nom des Commissions réunies de la Justice et des Affaires sociales, Sénat de Belgique, 2-244/22, Proposition de loi relative à l’euthanasie, 9 July 2001 at 282 → senate.be
- Rapport fait au nom des Commissions réunies de la Justice et des Affaires sociales, Sénat de Belgique, 2-244/22, Proposition de loi relative à l’euthanasie, 9 July 2001 at 541 → senate.be
- Rapport fait au nom des Commissions réunies de la Justice et des Affaires sociales, Sénat de Belgique, 2-244/22, Proposition de loi relative à l’euthanasie, 9 July 2001 at 732 → senate.be
- Rapport fait au nom des Commissions réunies de la Justice et des Affaires sociales, Sénat de Belgique, 2-244/22, Proposition de loi relative à l’euthanasie, 9 July 2001 at 796 → senate.be
- Rapport fait au nom des Commissions réunies de la Justice et des Affaires sociales, Sénat de Belgique, 2-246/5, Proposition de loi relative aux soins palliatifs, 9 July 2001 at 119 → senate.be
- Commissions réunies de la Justice et des Affaires sociales, Sénat de Belgique, Auditions, 2-244/24, 23 February 2000 (Jacqueline Herremans, l’Association pour le droit de mourir dans la dignité) → senate.be
- Commissions réunies de la Justice et des Affaires sociales, Sénat de Belgique, Auditions, 2-244/24, 23 February 2000 (Alain Destexhe, Member) → senate.be
- Commissions réunies de la Justice et des Affaires sociales, Sénat de Belgique, Auditions, 2-244/24, 23 February 2000 (Philippe Monfils, Member) → senate.be