‘Last Cab to Darwin’ by Jeremy Sims
- Title ‘Last Cab to Darwin’ by Jeremy Sims
- Author Jeremy Sims (director and writer), Reg Cribb (writer)
- Language English
- Tags Friendship High Profile Cases Self-determination
- Legislative context Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (Australia) Euthanasia Laws Act 1997 (Australia)
- Author of entry Joe Wood
Taxi driver Rex from Broken Hill, Australia, is given three months to live. Remembering his father’s protracted death in hospital, he decides to drive 3,000km to Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territory where Dr Nicole Farmer has developed an assisted dying machine that has recently been legalised. Rex is a white Australian who has never left his hometown. Before he sets off, he leaves everything including his house and his dog in his will to his black neighbour and secret lover Polly. On his way he picks up Tilly, a young drifter and wannabee footballer, and Julie, an English nurse backpacking across the country. Together, they help Rex reach Dr Farmer’s clinic where she tells him he requires several professionals to sign off on his case before he can use her machine. While Dr Farmer is working to secure the signatures, Rex gets through to Polly and tells her he wishes he had married her; she says she would have said yes if he’d asked. Rex is hospitalised in Darwin and asks Julie to (illegally) hook him up to the assisted dying machine, but at the very last minute he pulls out the tube which would give him a lethal injection. He says goodbye to his new friends and returns to spend his last weeks openly living with Polly.
Despite its potentially challenging content, ‘Last Cab to Darwin’ was hugely successful in Australia and New Zealand grossing AUS$8m, most likely due to its strong central performances, its beautiful outback scenery and its satisfying romantic ending. Adapted from a 2003 play of the same name, the film is based on the real case of Max Bell, a taxi driver who made the same journey in 1995 during the short window when Australia’s Northern Territory had passed the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 to become the first place in the world to legalise any form of assisted dying. Dr Farmer is modelled on Philip Nitschke, founder and director of euthanasia advocacy group Exit International, who was then working as a general practitioner. Unlike Rex, Bell was refused access to assisted dying and died in hospital back home in Broken Hill. Nitschke went on to help four people end their lives using his Deliverance Machine before the Australian Government’s Euthanasia Law Acts 1997 effectively overturned the Northern Territory’s earlier law. While Bell’s case has been a rallying point for some assisted dying advocates, the makers of ‘Last Cab to Darwin’ offer a more nuanced scenario in which Rex’s decision to end his life (and, ultimately, not to enact this decision) sits within a typically ‘Australian’ view of life that incorporates self-determination and a cold beer with your buddies alongside the contemporary legacies of colonialism and the mystical qualities of a road trip through the Outback. The film was released in the same year that the first Restoring Territory Rights Act was defeated in the Australian parliement, a bill that led to many states ultimately legalising forms of assisted dying.
Suggested citation
Last Cab to Darwin, Assisted Lab: A Living Archive of Assisted Dying, 18 March 2024 <link>
- Gary Goldstein, Review: ‘Last Cab to Darwin’ strains to deal with end-of-life issues, Los Angeles Time, 2016 → latimes.com
- Khalid Ali, Let’s talk about death: a review of ‘Last Cab to Darwin’, Australia 2015, BMJ Medical Humanities blog, 2016 → blogs.bmj.com
- Daniel M Gold, Review: Taking the Long Way Home in ‘Last Cab to Darwin’, New York Times, 2016 → nytimes.com
- Luke Buckmaster, Last Cab to Darwin first look review – a moving if muddled Aussie road movie, The Guardian, 2015 → theguardian.com
- Mélinée le Priol, A euthanasia parable in the Australian outback, La Croix, 2015 → international.la-croix.com
Media citations
- The story of Max Bells journey to die, and the real Last Cab to Darwin, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2023 → abc.net.au
- Philip Nitschke criticises Last Cab to Darwin as ‘comedic’ end-of-life movie, Sydney Morning Herald, 2015 → smh.com.au
- Last Cab to Darwin not the real story of euthanasia, Waikato Times, 2015 → stuff.co.nz
- Last Cab to Darwin really about “mateship”, Stuff, 2015 → stuff.co.nz
- For Michael Caton, Last Cab to Darwin delivers a role to match The Castle Sydney Morning Herald, 2015 → smh.com.au
Interest Group citations
- Last Cab to Darwin Taxi Recovered on Philip Nitschke’s Bush Block, Exit International, 2023 → exitinternational.net
- A “Euthanasia Parable” that Affirms Life, HOPE (Preventing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide), 2015 → noeuthanasia.org.au
- What will “Last Cab to Darwin” tell us about euthanasia?, National Right to Life (USA), 2015 → nrlc.org
Legal and Paralegal citations
- Federation Chamber, Private Member’s Business: Euthanasia, Parliament of Australia, 24 May 2021 (Luke Gosling MP) → aph.gov.au
- Record of Proceedings, First Session of the Fifty-Seventh Parliament, Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill, Second Reading, Queensland Parliament, 14 Sep 2021 (Scott Stewart MP) → documents.parliament.qld.gov.au
- Letter of Support for ACT End-of-life Choices Select Committee, Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory, Submission No. 487, 19 April 2018 (Beata Dal Piva) → parliament.act.gov.au
- Evidence to Standing Committee on Legal and Social Issues, Subcommittee Inquiry into End-of-life Choices, Parliament of Victoria, 14 October 2015 (Dr David Sykes, Alzheimer’s Australia Victoria) → parliament.vic.gov.au